Our Volunteers are “Partners in History”

We invite you to become a Volunteer!

The Tower-Soudan Historical Society owes much of its success to the dedicated group of volunteers who support the organization’s mission. From historical research and building maintenance to creating displays and organizing events, our volunteers take on a multitude of responsibilities that ensure the society can continue to thrive.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, but they share a common passion for preserving the history and culture of our community. They bring a wide range of skills and expertise to the table, including fundraising, technology, board leadership and more.

Without the contributions of our volunteers, the Tower-Soudan Historical Society simply could not exist. They help us to maintain a vibrant and active organization that is dedicated to preserving the rich history of our Tower-Soudan-Lake Vermilion community.

We invite you to consider joining our team of volunteers. Our website features a comprehensive list of committee responsibilities that outline the variety of opportunities available for you to use your time and talents as part of a committee team.

One of the most popular volunteer opportunities is our Depot Museum Greeter team. This role involves greeting visitors at the Train Depot Museum, sharing information about the history of the community, and answering any questions that visitors may have. With short 3-hour shifts and training provided, this is an excellent way to learn more about our history and engage with residents and visitors to our community.

We value our volunteers and are committed to ensuring that their time with us is both enjoyable and rewarding. Whether you are interested in becoming a Depot Museum Greeter or contributing in another capacity, we welcome your involvement.

Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, and consider becoming a part of this amazing community today.

Standing Committees

  • Advisory Committee

    Members of the Board or Community that are considered SME’s and assist the Board when called upon.

  • Budget Committee

    Meets annually in December to set preliminary budget for Board approval in January.

  • Executive Committee

    Meets to handle any business as needed between regularly scheduled board meetings. Decisions require a majority of the Executive Committee. This committee includes 4 Officers and 1 Board Member.

  • Nominating Committee

    3 members of the Society appointed by the BOD at the July meeting.

    This committee presents a slate of directors for election by the Society at the annual meeting. The committee also presents a slate of officers to the Board of Directors. The Board will elect its officers at the regular meeting following the annual meeting.

  • St. Louis County Historical Society Representative

    TSHS is affiliated with the SLCHS and a board member represents TSHS at SLCHS affiliate meetings.

  • Cemetery (On-Line)

    Performs data entry into the Pontem cemetery data system using burial record information provided by the Sexton of the Tower Cemetery. Data is entered using Pontem Software, which was purchased by the City of Tower, Township of Breitung, and Tower Cemetery Association. Records are searchable online at https://tower.mn.pontemsoftware.com/

    Recruits volunteers to assist in data management as new burial information is received.

    Training of volunteers on data entry process is provided.

  • Communications

    Publicity, Facebook, Press Releases, Newsletter, Website, Historical Research, Membership Mailings, Brochure.

    Researches and writes articles of interest to the TSHS audience on Facebook; news articles in local and regional publications; St. Louis County Historical Society Roots; and the TSHS website.

    Provides editing support to TSHS writers and researchers for these articles.

    Develops a TSHS newsletter on an interim basis to keep members updated on TSHS activity.

    Researches options for a digital newsletter. Use research and news articles for the newsletter.

    Recruits’ volunteers to develop a new TSHS website; Utilizes their talents to create and maintain it.

    Works with professional web site developer to create user friendly site with updated information.

    Trains website volunteers to continue creative focus and management of new TSHS website.

    Researches photos and information in the TSHS archives. Writes articles for communications file.

    Creates a team to manage the paper and digital archives.

    Creates a forum for membership mailings.

    Reviews current brochure and recommends updates. Orders brochures as needed.

  • Fire Hall Management

    Continues progress via construction phases as recommended by historic architect and keeps the TSHS Board and members updated on progress.

    Creates presentation, writes news articles and create fire hall display of Before/After progress.

  • Fund Raising

    Pledges, Contributions, Memorials

    Creates documents, marketing and publicity materials.

    Manages receipt of pledges and donations and responds to all donations with thank you and acknowledgment.

    Capital Campaign

    Plans a strategy for fund raising for the historic fire hall, and writes a case for support.

    Identifies and screens prospects.

    Charlemagne’s 52 Club

    Manages the raffle administrative duties/reports with Charitable Gambling – State of Minnesota.

    Manages ticket design, printing and ticket sales; Creates marketing materials.

    Manages the drawings on August 1; Documents winners; Makes weekly payments.

  • Grant Writing

    Identifies grant opportunities and timeline for project phases.

    Provides support in editing grant applications for final submission.

    Writes grant applications after TSHS BOD approves project and application submission.

  • Membership

    Executive Committee keeps leader updated on paid membership received, events, etc.

    Annual membership is one year, Oct 1 through Sept 30.

    Maintains/updates TSHS membership records(includes past and current paid memberships). Update includes current date, total paid memberships, and new paid memberships.

    Records NEW memberships for semi-annual report to SLCHS.

    Collects dues at September annual meeting.

    Sends updated membership list to Board on request.

    Maintains/updates contact names/emails and groups for towersoudanhs@gmail.com email site.

    Drafts and sends reminder letter to past members who have not paid current dues.

    Emails other special mailings, i.e., annual meeting notice, upon request.

  • Museum/Displays

    Makes decisions about the museum to keep it updated, fresh and interesting.

    Communicates to TSHS Board on proposed displays and changes.

    Requests funding as needed.

  • Personnel/Staffing

    Manages the museum staffing needs for the summer months.

    Recruits volunteers for museum Greeter Coverage.

    Trains volunteers on access to museum and greeter responsibilities.

    Coordinates the calendar for museum staffing.

    Facilitates the hiring of qualified museum staff as needed.

    Makes recommendations to TSHS Board for museum staff hiring.

    Supervises hired museum staff.

  • Train and Depot Management

    Maintains the facilities of the Train Depot in good repair and safe condition. These facilities include the train depot building, train cars, homesteader cabin, on-site signs, and grounds.

    Assess needs for maintenance, restoration, repair, and/or enhancement of the facilities.

    Identify and prioritize projects needed to maintain and improve facilities. All major projects should be approved by the Board and coordinated with the City of Tower.

    Outline a workplan for each project that identifies: 1) project leader; 2) recruited volunteers, contractors, City workers, or others who will accomplish work; 3) resources needed to accomplish projects; and 4) timeframe and target date for completion.

    Develop a committee budget and submit request to the Board

    .Ensure facilities are ready for summer opening. This generally will involve recruiting volunteers to clean facilities and do any necessary repairs.

    Prepare and submit a committee report to the Board for each board meeting.

    Coordinate with Train Museum staff supervisors to identify projects that may be done by the hired museum staff or volunteers.

    Ensure TSHS’s compliance with elements of the 2021 City of Tower Lease Agreement related to facilities.

    Manage coach car reservations, set-up, and supplies.

    Maintenance/cleaning of train cars as needed.

Project Committees

  • Annual Meeting

    The annual meeting is typically scheduled for September. The committee meets and plans May through September. Duties include:

    • Contact City Hall to reserve Herbert R. Lamppa Civic Center
    • Begin discussion at May Board meeting regarding possible program presenters. We’ve been fortunate to have excellent speakers each year and appreciate input from the Board.
    • Decide on the catering service for the buffet dinner
    • Set price for dinner
    • Prepare news announcements for the annual meeting
    • Email or send via P.O. the meeting invitation to the membership
    • Recruit committee members for set-up/clean-up, collection/recording of annual dues & dinner payments
    • Registration
    • Set annual meeting agenda
  • Can Recycling

    *NOTE – Committee Paused as of August 2022

    Written procedures have been developed for volunteers who wish to donate their time to bringing aluminum cans to a recycler as part of a revenue-generating project which supports TSHS operations.

    Continues to recruit volunteers.

  • Events/Programs

    Charlemagne Attic Sales:

    Manages the Charlemagne Attic Sale Events: advertise, solicit donations for the sale; create posters and media releases; recruit volunteers for the setup of each event, recruit vintage vendors for future sales.

    History Talks on Main Street:

    Recruits business owners to participate and sponsor a History Talk. Researches their selected subject. Communicates with current business owners and historical business owners.

    Advertises and manages History Talk program logistics.

    Recruits volunteers to write articles; engages with setup if needed; distributes History Tour Maps.

    Train Tales:

    Manages the Train Tale events: plan programs, solicit support for children’s books purchases and event treats; advertise program; create poster and media releases; recruit volunteers for each event.

  • Life Stories/Oral Histories

    Collects oral histories and memories of people who live or have lived in Tower-Soudan area to preserve and share stories of what life was like in earlier times according to the memories of those who lived it.

  • Potter's Field/Lakeview Cemetery Restoration

    *NOTE-Committee Paused in 2021. TSHS Board voted to discontinue this project; however, SLCHS offered their support and urged the TSHS to continue. Records are upstairs in the depot desk file and are made available to the SLCHS.

    Works with the Vermilion Charter School and other volunteers to maintain and keep the area clean and accessible for visitors.

    Contacts the Tower Cemetery Association board for additional help as needed.

  • Soudan Mine Memorial

    Completes research on the 143 men/names on a list of deaths compiled by Andy Larson. Documents each name through a newspaper article/obituary, a death record, records of mine inspectors, etc.

    When completed the Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park will create an exhibit at the Interpretive Center honoring those who died in the underground mine, the open pit mines, and the adjacent railroad on the property of the Soudan Mine.

    Recruits volunteers to research various documents.