Train Tales

Train Tales

Storytime on the Train

A new program was introduced in the summer of 2023 called “Train Tales”. Train Tales are stories about people, events, nature, and ways of life that will be read to youngsters in the Coach 81 at the Train Depot Museum.

One way to develop an interest in history is through reading and listening to books. Stories about the olden days transport youngsters back to a simpler time and encourage them to contemplate how they might incorporate what they have heard in a book into their own lives. Stories of the past present a picture that increases knowledge and encourages the appreciation of what their older family members did to make the world that young people are living in today.

Listening to a story also encourages reading! Children may decide to explore a topic further once introduced to it during Train Tales.

Train Tales will be offered once a month and will last approximately 45 minutes during story time. Parents of the wee ones need to be present during story time. Watch this site for the dates!

There will be a discussion of the story afterwards and a small snack served. Watch your email (if you are a Tower-Soudan Historic Society member) or the local papers for reminders of Train Tales and also for the titles of the books that will be read during each session. There is no cost for children to participate in Train Tales.

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